Source code for aiogram.methods.set_message_reaction

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List, Optional, Union

from ..types import ReactionTypeCustomEmoji, ReactionTypeEmoji
from .base import TelegramMethod

[docs] class SetMessageReaction(TelegramMethod[bool]): """ Use this method to change the chosen reactions on a message. Service messages can't be reacted to. Automatically forwarded messages from a channel to its discussion group have the same available reactions as messages in the channel. Returns :code:`True` on success. Source: """ __returning__ = bool __api_method__ = "setMessageReaction" chat_id: Union[int, str] """Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format :code:`@channelusername`)""" message_id: int """Identifier of the target message. If the message belongs to a media group, the reaction is set to the first non-deleted message in the group instead.""" reaction: Optional[List[Union[ReactionTypeEmoji, ReactionTypeCustomEmoji]]] = None """A JSON-serialized list of reaction types to set on the message. Currently, as non-premium users, bots can set up to one reaction per message. A custom emoji reaction can be used if it is either already present on the message or explicitly allowed by chat administrators.""" is_big: Optional[bool] = None """Pass :code:`True` to set the reaction with a big animation""" if TYPE_CHECKING: # DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY!!! # This section was auto-generated via `butcher` def __init__( __pydantic__self__, *, chat_id: Union[int, str], message_id: int, reaction: Optional[List[Union[ReactionTypeEmoji, ReactionTypeCustomEmoji]]] = None, is_big: Optional[bool] = None, **__pydantic_kwargs: Any, ) -> None: # DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY!!! # This method was auto-generated via `butcher` # Is needed only for type checking and IDE support without any additional plugins super().__init__( chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id, reaction=reaction, is_big=is_big, **__pydantic_kwargs, )