Magic filters¶
This page still in progress. Has many incorrectly worded sentences.
Is external package maintained by aiogram core team.
By default installs with aiogram and also is available on PyPi - magic-filter. That’s mean you can install it and use with any other libraries and in own projects without depending aiogram installed.
The magic_filter package implements class shortly named magic_filter.F
that’s mean F
can be imported from aiogram
or magic_filter
. F
is alias for MagicFilter
Note that aiogram has an small extension over magic-filter and if you want to use this extension you should import magic from aiogram instead of magic_filter package
The MagicFilter
object is callable, supports some actions
and memorize the attributes chain and the action which should be checked on demand.
So that’s mean you can chain attribute getters, describe simple data validations
and then call the resulted object passing single object as argument,
for example make attributes chain
then add
action ‘ == 'spam'
and then call the resulted object - ( == 'spam').resolve(obj)
Possible actions¶
Magic filter object supports some of basic logical operations over object attributes
Exists or not None¶
Default actions. # lambda message:
F.text == 'hello' # lambda message: message.text == 'hello' == 42 # lambda message: == 42
F.text != 'spam' # lambda message: message.text != 'spam'
Is one of¶
Can be used as method named in_
or as matmul operator @
with any iterable{42, 1000, 123123}) # lambda query: in {42, 1000, 123123}{'foo', 'bar', 'baz'}) # lambda query: in {'foo', 'bar', 'baz'}
F.text.contains('foo') # lambda message: 'foo' in message.text
String startswith/endswith¶
Can be applied only for text attributes
F.text.startswith('foo') # lambda message: message.text.startswith('foo')
F.text.endswith('bar') # lambda message: message.text.startswith('bar')
F.text.regexp(r'Hello, .+') # lambda message: re.match(r'Hello, .+', message.text)
Custom function¶
Accepts any callable. Callback will be called when filter checks result chat: == -42) # lambda message: (lambda chat: == -42)(
Inverting result¶
Any of available operation can be inverted by bitwise inversion - ~
~F.text # lambda message: not message.text
~F.text.startswith('spam') # lambda message: not message.text.startswith('spam')
All operations can be combined via bitwise and/or operators - &
( == 42) & (F.text == 'admin')
F.text.startswith('a') | F.text.endswith('b')
({42, 777, 911})) & (F.text.startswith('!') | F.text.startswith('/')) & F.text.contains('ban')
Attribute modifiers - string manipulations¶
Make text upper- or lower-case
Can be used only with string attributes.
F.text.lower() == 'test' # lambda message: message.text.lower() == 'test'
F.text.upper().in_({'FOO', 'BAR'}) # lambda message: message.text.upper() in {'FOO', 'BAR'}
F.text.len() == 5 # lambda message: len(message.text) == 5
Get filter result as handler argument¶
This part is not available in magic-filter directly but can be used with aiogram
from aiogram import F
async def any_digits_handler(message: Message, digits: Match[str]):
await message.answer(html.quote(str(digits)))
Usage in aiogram¶
@router.message(F.text == 'hello')
@router.inline_query( == 'button:1')
@router.message(F.content_type.in_({'text', 'sticker'}))
# Many others cases when you will need to check any of available event attribute