Source code for aiogram.filters.callback_data

from __future__ import annotations

import sys
import types
import typing
from decimal import Decimal
from enum import Enum
from fractions import Fraction
from typing import (
from uuid import UUID

from magic_filter import MagicFilter
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic.fields import FieldInfo

from aiogram.filters.base import Filter
from aiogram.types import CallbackQuery

T = TypeVar("T", bound="CallbackData")


_UNION_TYPES = {typing.Union}
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):  # pragma: no cover

class CallbackDataException(Exception):

[docs] class CallbackData(BaseModel): """ Base class for callback data wrapper This class should be used as super-class of user-defined callbacks. The class-keyword :code:`prefix` is required to define prefix and also the argument :code:`sep` can be passed to define separator (default is :code:`:`). """ if TYPE_CHECKING: __separator__: ClassVar[str] """Data separator (default is :code:`:`)""" __prefix__: ClassVar[str] """Callback prefix""" def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if "prefix" not in kwargs: raise ValueError( f"prefix required, usage example: " f"`class {cls.__name__}(CallbackData, prefix='my_callback'): ...`" ) cls.__separator__ = kwargs.pop("sep", ":") cls.__prefix__ = kwargs.pop("prefix") if cls.__separator__ in cls.__prefix__: raise ValueError( f"Separator symbol {cls.__separator__!r} can not be used " f"inside prefix {cls.__prefix__!r}" ) super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) def _encode_value(self, key: str, value: Any) -> str: if value is None: return "" if isinstance(value, Enum): return str(value.value) if isinstance(value, UUID): return value.hex if isinstance(value, bool): return str(int(value)) if isinstance(value, (int, str, float, Decimal, Fraction)): return str(value) raise ValueError( f"Attribute {key}={value!r} of type {type(value).__name__!r}" f" can not be packed to callback data" )
[docs] def pack(self) -> str: """ Generate callback data string :return: valid callback data for Telegram Bot API """ result = [self.__prefix__] for key, value in self.model_dump(mode="python").items(): encoded = self._encode_value(key, value) if self.__separator__ in encoded: raise ValueError( f"Separator symbol {self.__separator__!r} can not be used " f"in value {key}={encoded!r}" ) result.append(encoded) callback_data = self.__separator__.join(result) if len(callback_data.encode()) > MAX_CALLBACK_LENGTH: raise ValueError( f"Resulted callback data is too long! " f"len({callback_data!r}.encode()) > {MAX_CALLBACK_LENGTH}" ) return callback_data
[docs] @classmethod def unpack(cls: Type[T], value: str) -> T: """ Parse callback data string :param value: value from Telegram :return: instance of CallbackData """ prefix, *parts = value.split(cls.__separator__) names = cls.model_fields.keys() if len(parts) != len(names): raise TypeError( f"Callback data {cls.__name__!r} takes {len(names)} arguments " f"but {len(parts)} were given" ) if prefix != cls.__prefix__: raise ValueError(f"Bad prefix ({prefix!r} != {cls.__prefix__!r})") payload = {} for k, v in zip(names, parts): # type: str, Optional[str] if field := cls.model_fields.get(k): if v == "" and _check_field_is_nullable(field): v = None payload[k] = v return cls(**payload)
[docs] @classmethod def filter(cls, rule: Optional[MagicFilter] = None) -> CallbackQueryFilter: """ Generates a filter for callback query with rule :param rule: magic rule :return: instance of filter """ return CallbackQueryFilter(callback_data=cls, rule=rule)
class CallbackQueryFilter(Filter): """ This filter helps to handle callback query. Should not be used directly, you should create the instance of this filter via callback data instance """ __slots__ = ( "callback_data", "rule", ) def __init__( self, *, callback_data: Type[CallbackData], rule: Optional[MagicFilter] = None, ): """ :param callback_data: Expected type of callback data :param rule: Magic rule """ self.callback_data = callback_data self.rule = rule def __str__(self) -> str: return self._signature_to_string( callback_data=self.callback_data, rule=self.rule, ) async def __call__(self, query: CallbackQuery) -> Union[Literal[False], Dict[str, Any]]: if not isinstance(query, CallbackQuery) or not return False try: callback_data = self.callback_data.unpack( except (TypeError, ValueError): return False if self.rule is None or self.rule.resolve(callback_data): return {"callback_data": callback_data} return False def _check_field_is_nullable(field: FieldInfo) -> bool: """ Check if the given field is nullable. :param field: The FieldInfo object representing the field to check. :return: True if the field is nullable, False otherwise. """ if not field.is_required(): return True return typing.get_origin(field.annotation) in _UNION_TYPES and type(None) in typing.get_args( field.annotation )