
Returns: bool

class aiogram.methods.verify_user.VerifyUser(*, user_id: int, custom_description: str | None = None, **extra_data: Any)[source]

Verifies a user on behalf of the organization which is represented by the bot. Returns True on success.


user_id: int

Unique identifier of the target user

custom_description: str | None

Custom description for the verification; 0-70 characters. Must be empty if the organization isn’t allowed to provide a custom verification description.


As bot method

result: bool = await bot.verify_user(...)

Method as object


  • from aiogram.methods.verify_user import VerifyUser

  • alias: from aiogram.methods import VerifyUser

With specific bot

result: bool = await bot(VerifyUser(...))

As reply into Webhook in handler

return VerifyUser(...)