
class aiogram.types.switch_inline_query_chosen_chat.SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat(*, query: str | None = None, allow_user_chats: bool | None = None, allow_bot_chats: bool | None = None, allow_group_chats: bool | None = None, allow_channel_chats: bool | None = None, **extra_data: Any)[source]

This object represents an inline button that switches the current user to inline mode in a chosen chat, with an optional default inline query.

Source: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#switchinlinequerychosenchat

query: str | None

Optional. The default inline query to be inserted in the input field. If left empty, only the bot’s username will be inserted

allow_user_chats: bool | None

Optional. True, if private chats with users can be chosen

allow_bot_chats: bool | None

Optional. True, if private chats with bots can be chosen

allow_group_chats: bool | None

Optional. True, if group and supergroup chats can be chosen

allow_channel_chats: bool | None

Optional. True, if channel chats can be chosen