
Returns: Union[Message, bool]

class aiogram.methods.edit_message_live_location.EditMessageLiveLocation(*, latitude: float, longitude: float, business_connection_id: str | None = None, chat_id: int | str | None = None, message_id: int | None = None, inline_message_id: str | None = None, live_period: int | None = None, horizontal_accuracy: float | None = None, heading: int | None = None, proximity_alert_radius: int | None = None, reply_markup: InlineKeyboardMarkup | None = None, **extra_data: Any)[source]

Use this method to edit live location messages. A location can be edited until its live_period expires or editing is explicitly disabled by a call to aiogram.methods.stop_message_live_location.StopMessageLiveLocation. On success, if the edited message is not an inline message, the edited aiogram.types.message.Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.

Source: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editmessagelivelocation

latitude: float

Latitude of new location

longitude: float

Longitude of new location

business_connection_id: str | None

Unique identifier of the business connection on behalf of which the message to be edited was sent

chat_id: int | str | None

Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)

message_id: int | None

Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Identifier of the message to edit

inline_message_id: str | None

Required if chat_id and message_id are not specified. Identifier of the inline message

live_period: int | None

New period in seconds during which the location can be updated, starting from the message send date. If 0x7FFFFFFF is specified, then the location can be updated forever. Otherwise, the new value must not exceed the current live_period by more than a day, and the live location expiration date must remain within the next 90 days. If not specified, then live_period remains unchanged

horizontal_accuracy: float | None

The radius of uncertainty for the location, measured in meters; 0-1500

heading: int | None

Direction in which the user is moving, in degrees. Must be between 1 and 360 if specified.

proximity_alert_radius: int | None

The maximum distance for proximity alerts about approaching another chat member, in meters. Must be between 1 and 100000 if specified.

reply_markup: InlineKeyboardMarkup | None

A JSON-serialized object for a new inline keyboard.


As bot method

result: Union[Message, bool] = await bot.edit_message_live_location(...)

Method as object


  • from aiogram.methods.edit_message_live_location import EditMessageLiveLocation

  • alias: from aiogram.methods import EditMessageLiveLocation

With specific bot

result: Union[Message, bool] = await bot(EditMessageLiveLocation(...))

As reply into Webhook in handler

return EditMessageLiveLocation(...)

As shortcut from received object