
Returns: bool

class aiogram.methods.answer_inline_query.AnswerInlineQuery(*, inline_query_id: str, results: list[InlineQueryResultCachedAudio | InlineQueryResultCachedDocument | InlineQueryResultCachedGif | InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif | InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto | InlineQueryResultCachedSticker | InlineQueryResultCachedVideo | InlineQueryResultCachedVoice | InlineQueryResultArticle | InlineQueryResultAudio | InlineQueryResultContact | InlineQueryResultGame | InlineQueryResultDocument | InlineQueryResultGif | InlineQueryResultLocation | InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif | InlineQueryResultPhoto | InlineQueryResultVenue | InlineQueryResultVideo | InlineQueryResultVoice], cache_time: int | None = None, is_personal: bool | None = None, next_offset: str | None = None, button: InlineQueryResultsButton | None = None, switch_pm_parameter: str | None = None, switch_pm_text: str | None = None, **extra_data: Any)[source]

Use this method to send answers to an inline query. On success, True is returned.

No more than 50 results per query are allowed.


inline_query_id: str

Unique identifier for the answered query

results: list[InlineQueryResultCachedAudio | InlineQueryResultCachedDocument | InlineQueryResultCachedGif | InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif | InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto | InlineQueryResultCachedSticker | InlineQueryResultCachedVideo | InlineQueryResultCachedVoice | InlineQueryResultArticle | InlineQueryResultAudio | InlineQueryResultContact | InlineQueryResultGame | InlineQueryResultDocument | InlineQueryResultGif | InlineQueryResultLocation | InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif | InlineQueryResultPhoto | InlineQueryResultVenue | InlineQueryResultVideo | InlineQueryResultVoice]

A JSON-serialized array of results for the inline query

cache_time: int | None

The maximum amount of time in seconds that the result of the inline query may be cached on the server. Defaults to 300.

is_personal: bool | None

Pass True if results may be cached on the server side only for the user that sent the query. By default, results may be returned to any user who sends the same query.

next_offset: str | None

Pass the offset that a client should send in the next query with the same text to receive more results. Pass an empty string if there are no more results or if you don’t support pagination. Offset length can’t exceed 64 bytes.

button: InlineQueryResultsButton | None

A JSON-serialized object describing a button to be shown above inline query results

switch_pm_parameter: str | None

Deep-linking parameter for the /start message sent to the bot when user presses the switch button. 1-64 characters, only A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ and - are allowed.

switch_pm_text: str | None

If passed, clients will display a button with specified text that switches the user to a private chat with the bot and sends the bot a start message with the parameter switch_pm_parameter


As bot method

result: bool = await bot.answer_inline_query(...)

Method as object


  • from aiogram.methods.answer_inline_query import AnswerInlineQuery

  • alias: from aiogram.methods import AnswerInlineQuery

With specific bot

result: bool = await bot(AnswerInlineQuery(...))

As reply into Webhook in handler

return AnswerInlineQuery(...)

As shortcut from received object