
Returns: bool

class aiogram.methods.edit_user_star_subscription.EditUserStarSubscription(*, user_id: int, telegram_payment_charge_id: str, is_canceled: bool, **extra_data: Any)[source]

Allows the bot to cancel or re-enable extension of a subscription paid in Telegram Stars. Returns True on success.

Source: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#edituserstarsubscription

user_id: int

Identifier of the user whose subscription will be edited

telegram_payment_charge_id: str

Telegram payment identifier for the subscription

is_canceled: bool

Pass True to cancel extension of the user subscription; the subscription must be active up to the end of the current subscription period. Pass False to allow the user to re-enable a subscription that was previously canceled by the bot.


As bot method

result: bool = await bot.edit_user_star_subscription(...)

Method as object


  • from aiogram.methods.edit_user_star_subscription import EditUserStarSubscription

  • alias: from aiogram.methods import EditUserStarSubscription

With specific bot

result: bool = await bot(EditUserStarSubscription(...))

As reply into Webhook in handler

return EditUserStarSubscription(...)