import textwrap
from typing import (
from typing_extensions import Self
from aiogram.enums import MessageEntityType
from aiogram.types import MessageEntity, User
from aiogram.utils.text_decorations import (
NodeType = Any
def sizeof(value: str) -> int:
return len(value.encode("utf-16-le")) // 2
class Text(Iterable[NodeType]):
Simple text element
type: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None
__slots__ = ("_body", "_params")
def __init__(
*body: NodeType,
**params: Any,
) -> None:
self._body: Tuple[NodeType, ...] = body
self._params: Dict[str, Any] = params
def from_entities(cls, text: str, entities: List[MessageEntity]) -> "Text":
return cls(
entities=sorted(entities, key=lambda item: item.offset) if entities else [],
def render(
_offset: int = 0,
_sort: bool = True,
_collect_entities: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[str, List[MessageEntity]]:
Render elements tree as text with entities list
text = ""
entities = []
offset = _offset
for node in self._body:
if not isinstance(node, Text):
node = str(node)
text += node
offset += sizeof(node)
node_text, node_entities = node.render(
text += node_text
offset += sizeof(node_text)
if _collect_entities:
if _collect_entities and self.type:
entities.append(self._render_entity(offset=_offset, length=offset - _offset))
if _collect_entities and _sort:
entities.sort(key=lambda entity: entity.offset)
return text, entities
def _render_entity(self, *, offset: int, length: int) -> MessageEntity:
assert self.type is not None, "Node without type can't be rendered as entity"
return MessageEntity(type=self.type, offset=offset, length=length, **self._params)
def as_kwargs(
text_key: str = "text",
entities_key: str = "entities",
replace_parse_mode: bool = True,
parse_mode_key: str = "parse_mode",
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Render elements tree as keyword arguments for usage in the API call, for example:
.. code-block:: python
entities = Text(...)
await message.answer(**entities.as_kwargs())
:param text_key:
:param entities_key:
:param replace_parse_mode:
:param parse_mode_key:
text_value, entities_value = self.render()
result: Dict[str, Any] = {
text_key: text_value,
entities_key: entities_value,
if replace_parse_mode:
result[parse_mode_key] = None
return result
def as_html(self) -> str:
Render elements tree as HTML markup
text, entities = self.render()
return html_decoration.unparse(text, entities)
def as_markdown(self) -> str:
Render elements tree as MarkdownV2 markup
text, entities = self.render()
return markdown_decoration.unparse(text, entities)
def replace(self: Self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Self:
return type(self)(*args, **{**self._params, **kwargs})
def as_pretty_string(self, indent: bool = False) -> str:
sep = ",\n" if indent else ", "
body = sep.join(
item.as_pretty_string(indent=indent) if isinstance(item, Text) else repr(item)
for item in self._body
params = sep.join(f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in self._params.items() if v is not None)
args = []
if body:
if params:
args_str = sep.join(args)
if indent:
args_str = textwrap.indent("\n" + args_str + "\n", " ")
return f"{type(self).__name__}({args_str})"
def __add__(self, other: NodeType) -> "Text":
if isinstance(other, Text) and other.type == self.type and self._params == other._params:
return type(self)(*self, *other, **self._params)
if type(self) is Text and isinstance(other, str):
return type(self)(*self, other, **self._params)
return Text(self, other)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[NodeType]:
yield from self._body
def __len__(self) -> int:
text, _ = self.render(_collect_entities=False)
return sizeof(text)
def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> "Text":
if not isinstance(item, slice):
raise TypeError("Can only be sliced")
if (item.start is None or item.start == 0) and item.stop is None:
return self.replace(*self._body)
start = 0 if item.start is None else item.start
stop = len(self) if item.stop is None else item.stop
if start == stop:
return self.replace()
nodes = []
position = 0
for node in self._body:
node_size = len(node)
current_position = position
position += node_size
if position < start:
if current_position > stop:
a = max((0, start - current_position))
b = min((node_size, stop - current_position))
new_node = node[a:b]
if not new_node:
return self.replace(*nodes)
class HashTag(Text):
Hashtag element.
.. warning::
The value should always start with '#' symbol
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.HASHTAG`
type = MessageEntityType.HASHTAG
def __init__(self, *body: NodeType, **params: Any) -> None:
if len(body) != 1:
raise ValueError("Hashtag can contain only one element")
if not isinstance(body[0], str):
raise ValueError("Hashtag can contain only string")
if not body[0].startswith("#"):
body = ("#" + body[0],)
super().__init__(*body, **params)
class CashTag(Text):
Cashtag element.
.. warning::
The value should always start with '$' symbol
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.CASHTAG`
type = MessageEntityType.CASHTAG
def __init__(self, *body: NodeType, **params: Any) -> None:
if len(body) != 1:
raise ValueError("Cashtag can contain only one element")
if not isinstance(body[0], str):
raise ValueError("Cashtag can contain only string")
if not body[0].startswith("$"):
body = ("$" + body[0],)
super().__init__(*body, **params)
class BotCommand(Text):
Bot command element.
.. warning::
The value should always start with '/' symbol
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.BOT_COMMAND`
type = MessageEntityType.BOT_COMMAND
class Url(Text):
Url element.
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.URL`
type = MessageEntityType.URL
class Email(Text):
Email element.
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.EMAIL`
type = MessageEntityType.EMAIL
class PhoneNumber(Text):
Phone number element.
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.PHONE_NUMBER`
type = MessageEntityType.PHONE_NUMBER
class Bold(Text):
Bold element.
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.BOLD`
type = MessageEntityType.BOLD
class Italic(Text):
Italic element.
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.ITALIC`
type = MessageEntityType.ITALIC
class Underline(Text):
Underline element.
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.UNDERLINE`
type = MessageEntityType.UNDERLINE
class Strikethrough(Text):
Strikethrough element.
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.STRIKETHROUGH`
type = MessageEntityType.STRIKETHROUGH
class Spoiler(Text):
Spoiler element.
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.SPOILER`
type = MessageEntityType.SPOILER
class Code(Text):
Code element.
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.CODE`
type = MessageEntityType.CODE
class Pre(Text):
Pre element.
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.PRE`
type = MessageEntityType.PRE
def __init__(self, *body: NodeType, language: Optional[str] = None, **params: Any) -> None:
super().__init__(*body, language=language, **params)
class TextLink(Text):
Text link element.
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.TEXT_LINK`
type = MessageEntityType.TEXT_LINK
def __init__(self, *body: NodeType, url: str, **params: Any) -> None:
super().__init__(*body, url=url, **params)
class TextMention(Text):
Text mention element.
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.TEXT_MENTION`
type = MessageEntityType.TEXT_MENTION
def __init__(self, *body: NodeType, user: User, **params: Any) -> None:
super().__init__(*body, user=user, **params)
class CustomEmoji(Text):
Custom emoji element.
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.CUSTOM_EMOJI`
type = MessageEntityType.CUSTOM_EMOJI
def __init__(self, *body: NodeType, custom_emoji_id: str, **params: Any) -> None:
super().__init__(*body, custom_emoji_id=custom_emoji_id, **params)
class BlockQuote(Text):
Block quote element.
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.BLOCKQUOTE`
type = MessageEntityType.BLOCKQUOTE
class ExpandableBlockQuote(Text):
Expandable block quote element.
Will be wrapped into :obj:`aiogram.types.message_entity.MessageEntity`
with type :obj:`aiogram.enums.message_entity_type.MessageEntityType.EXPANDABLE_BLOCKQUOTE`
type = MessageEntityType.EXPANDABLE_BLOCKQUOTE
NODE_TYPES: Dict[Optional[str], Type[Text]] = {
Text.type: Text,
HashTag.type: HashTag,
CashTag.type: CashTag,
BotCommand.type: BotCommand,
Url.type: Url,
Email.type: Email,
PhoneNumber.type: PhoneNumber,
Bold.type: Bold,
Italic.type: Italic,
Underline.type: Underline,
Strikethrough.type: Strikethrough,
Spoiler.type: Spoiler,
Code.type: Code,
Pre.type: Pre,
TextLink.type: TextLink,
TextMention.type: TextMention,
CustomEmoji.type: CustomEmoji,
BlockQuote.type: BlockQuote,
ExpandableBlockQuote.type: ExpandableBlockQuote,
def _apply_entity(entity: MessageEntity, *nodes: NodeType) -> NodeType:
Apply single entity to text
:param entity:
:param text:
node_type = NODE_TYPES.get(entity.type, Text)
return node_type(
*nodes, **entity.model_dump(exclude={"type", "offset", "length"}, warnings=False)
def _unparse_entities(
text: bytes,
entities: List[MessageEntity],
offset: Optional[int] = None,
length: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Generator[NodeType, None, None]:
if offset is None:
offset = 0
length = length or len(text)
for index, entity in enumerate(entities):
if entity.offset * 2 < offset:
if entity.offset * 2 > offset:
yield remove_surrogates(text[offset : entity.offset * 2])
start = entity.offset * 2
offset = entity.offset * 2 + entity.length * 2
sub_entities = list(filter(lambda e: e.offset * 2 < (offset or 0), entities[index + 1 :]))
yield _apply_entity(
*_unparse_entities(text, sub_entities, offset=start, length=offset),
if offset < length:
yield remove_surrogates(text[offset:length])
def as_line(*items: NodeType, end: str = "\n", sep: str = "") -> Text:
Wrap multiple nodes into line with :code:`\\\\n` at the end of line.
:param items: Text or Any
:param end: ending of the line, by default is :code:`\\\\n`
:param sep: separator between items, by default is empty string
:return: Text
if sep:
nodes = []
for item in items[:-1]:
nodes.extend([item, sep])
nodes = [*items, end]
return Text(*nodes)
def as_list(*items: NodeType, sep: str = "\n") -> Text:
Wrap each element to separated lines
:param items:
:param sep:
nodes = []
for item in items[:-1]:
nodes.extend([item, sep])
return Text(*nodes)
def as_marked_list(*items: NodeType, marker: str = "- ") -> Text:
Wrap elements as marked list
:param items:
:param marker: line marker, by default is '- '
:return: Text
return as_list(*(Text(marker, item) for item in items))
def as_numbered_list(*items: NodeType, start: int = 1, fmt: str = "{}. ") -> Text:
Wrap elements as numbered list
:param items:
:param start: initial number, by default 1
:param fmt: number format, by default '{}. '
:return: Text
return as_list(*(Text(fmt.format(index), item) for index, item in enumerate(items, start)))
def as_section(title: NodeType, *body: NodeType) -> Text:
Wrap elements as simple section, section has title and body
:param title:
:param body:
:return: Text
return Text(title, "\n", *body)
def as_marked_section(
title: NodeType,
*body: NodeType,
marker: str = "- ",
) -> Text:
Wrap elements as section with marked list
:param title:
:param body:
:param marker:
return as_section(title, as_marked_list(*body, marker=marker))
def as_numbered_section(
title: NodeType,
*body: NodeType,
start: int = 1,
fmt: str = "{}. ",
) -> Text:
Wrap elements as section with numbered list
:param title:
:param body:
:param start:
:param fmt:
return as_section(title, as_numbered_list(*body, start=start, fmt=fmt))
def as_key_value(key: NodeType, value: NodeType) -> Text:
Wrap elements pair as key-value line. (:code:`<b>{key}:</b> {value}`)
:param key:
:param value:
:return: Text
return Text(Bold(key, ":"), " ", value)