

  1. Filter single variant of commands: Command("start")

  2. Handle command by regexp pattern: Command(re.compile(r"item_(\d+)"))

  3. Match command by multiple variants: Command("item", re.compile(r"item_(\d+)"))

  4. Handle commands in public chats intended for other bots: Command("command", ignore_mention=True)

  5. Use aiogram.types.bot_command.BotCommand object as command reference Command(BotCommand(command="command", description="My awesome command")


Command cannot include spaces or any whitespace

class aiogram.filters.command.Command(*values: str | Pattern | BotCommand, commands: Sequence[str | Pattern | BotCommand] | str | Pattern | BotCommand | None = None, prefix: str = '/', ignore_case: bool = False, ignore_mention: bool = False, magic: MagicFilter | None = None)[source]

This filter can be helpful for handling commands from the text messages.

Works only with aiogram.types.message.Message events which have the text.

__init__(*values: str | Pattern | BotCommand, commands: Sequence[str | Pattern | BotCommand] | str | Pattern | BotCommand | None = None, prefix: str = '/', ignore_case: bool = False, ignore_mention: bool = False, magic: MagicFilter | None = None)[source]

List of commands (string or compiled regexp patterns)

  • prefix – Prefix for command. Prefix is always a single char but here you can pass all of allowed prefixes, for example: "/!" will work with commands prefixed by "/" or "!".

  • ignore_case – Ignore case (Does not work with regexp, use flags instead)

  • ignore_mention – Ignore bot mention. By default, bot can not handle commands intended for other bots

  • magic – Validate command object via Magic filter after all checks done

When filter is passed the aiogram.filters.command.CommandObject will be passed to the handler argument command

class aiogram.filters.command.CommandObject(prefix: str = '/', command: str = '', mention: str | None = None, args: str | None = None, regexp_match: Match[str] | None = None, magic_result: Any | None = None)[source]

Instance of this object is always has command and it prefix. Can be passed as keyword argument command to the handler

prefix: str = '/'

Command prefix

command: str = ''

Command without prefix and mention

mention: str | None = None

Mention (if available)

args: str | None = None

Command argument

regexp_match: Match[str] | None = None

Will be presented match result if the command is presented as regexp in filter

magic_result: Any | None = None
property mentioned: bool

This command has mention?

property text: str

Generate original text from object

Allowed handlers

Allowed update types for this filter:

  • message

  • edited_message