Source code for aiogram.types.response_parameters

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional

from .base import TelegramObject

[docs]class ResponseParameters(TelegramObject): """ Describes why a request was unsuccessful. Source: """ migrate_to_chat_id: Optional[int] = None """*Optional*. The group has been migrated to a supergroup with the specified identifier. This number may have more than 32 significant bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identifier.""" retry_after: Optional[int] = None """*Optional*. In case of exceeding flood control, the number of seconds left to wait before the request can be repeated""" if TYPE_CHECKING: # DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY!!! # This section was auto-generated via `butcher` def __init__( __pydantic__self__, *, migrate_to_chat_id: Optional[int] = None, retry_after: Optional[int] = None, **__pydantic_kwargs: Any, ) -> None: # DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY!!! # This method was auto-generated via `butcher` # Is needed only for type checking and IDE support without any additional plugins super().__init__( migrate_to_chat_id=migrate_to_chat_id, retry_after=retry_after, **__pydantic_kwargs )