
class aiogram.types.bot_command_scope_chat_member.BotCommandScopeChatMember(*, type: ~typing.Literal[<BotCommandScopeType.CHAT_MEMBER: 'chat_member'>] = BotCommandScopeType.CHAT_MEMBER, chat_id: int | str, user_id: int, **extra_data: ~typing.Any)[source]#

Represents the scope of bot commands, covering a specific member of a group or supergroup chat.


type: Literal[BotCommandScopeType.CHAT_MEMBER]#

Scope type, must be chat_member

chat_id: int | str#

Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)

user_id: int#

Unique identifier of the target user