Source code for aiogram.filters.command

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, replace
from typing import (

from magic_filter import MagicFilter

from aiogram.filters.base import Filter
from aiogram.types import BotCommand, Message
from aiogram.utils.deep_linking import decode_payload

    from aiogram import Bot

CommandPatternType = Union[str, re.Pattern, BotCommand]

class CommandException(Exception):

[docs]class Command(Filter): """ This filter can be helpful for handling commands from the text messages. Works only with :class:`aiogram.types.message.Message` events which have the :code:`text`. """ __slots__ = ( "commands", "prefix", "ignore_case", "ignore_mention", "magic", )
[docs] def __init__( self, *values: CommandPatternType, commands: Optional[Union[Sequence[CommandPatternType], CommandPatternType]] = None, prefix: str = "/", ignore_case: bool = False, ignore_mention: bool = False, magic: Optional[MagicFilter] = None, ): """ List of commands (string or compiled regexp patterns) :param prefix: Prefix for command. Prefix is always a single char but here you can pass all of allowed prefixes, for example: :code:`"/!"` will work with commands prefixed by :code:`"/"` or :code:`"!"`. :param ignore_case: Ignore case (Does not work with regexp, use flags instead) :param ignore_mention: Ignore bot mention. By default, bot can not handle commands intended for other bots :param magic: Validate command object via Magic filter after all checks done """ if commands is None: commands = [] if isinstance(commands, (str, re.Pattern, BotCommand)): commands = [commands] if not isinstance(commands, Iterable): raise ValueError( "Command filter only supports str, re.Pattern, BotCommand object" " or their Iterable" ) items = [] for command in (*values, *commands): if isinstance(command, BotCommand): command = command.command if not isinstance(command, (str, re.Pattern)): raise ValueError( "Command filter only supports str, re.Pattern, BotCommand object" " or their Iterable" ) if ignore_case and isinstance(command, str): command = command.casefold() items.append(command) if not items: raise ValueError("At least one command should be specified") self.commands = tuple(items) self.prefix = prefix self.ignore_case = ignore_case self.ignore_mention = ignore_mention self.magic = magic
def __str__(self) -> str: return self._signature_to_string( *self.commands, prefix=self.prefix, ignore_case=self.ignore_case, ignore_mention=self.ignore_mention, magic=self.magic, ) def update_handler_flags(self, flags: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: commands = flags.setdefault("commands", []) commands.append(self) async def __call__(self, message: Message, bot: Bot) -> Union[bool, Dict[str, Any]]: if not isinstance(message, Message): return False text = message.text or message.caption if not text: return False try: command = await self.parse_command(text=text, bot=bot) except CommandException: return False result = {"command": command} if command.magic_result and isinstance(command.magic_result, dict): result.update(command.magic_result) return result def extract_command(self, text: str) -> CommandObject: # First step: separate command with arguments # "/command@mention arg1 arg2" -> "/command@mention", ["arg1 arg2"] try: full_command, *args = text.split(maxsplit=1) except ValueError: raise CommandException("not enough values to unpack") # Separate command into valuable parts # "/command@mention" -> "/", ("command", "@", "mention") prefix, (command, _, mention) = full_command[0], full_command[1:].partition("@") return CommandObject( prefix=prefix, command=command, mention=mention or None, args=args[0] if args else None, ) def validate_prefix(self, command: CommandObject) -> None: if command.prefix not in self.prefix: raise CommandException("Invalid command prefix") async def validate_mention(self, bot: Bot, command: CommandObject) -> None: if command.mention and not self.ignore_mention: me = await if me.username and command.mention.lower() != me.username.lower(): raise CommandException("Mention did not match") def validate_command(self, command: CommandObject) -> CommandObject: for allowed_command in cast(Sequence[CommandPatternType], self.commands): # Command can be presented as regexp pattern or raw string # then need to validate that in different ways if isinstance(allowed_command, Pattern): # Regexp result = allowed_command.match(command.command) if result: return replace(command, regexp_match=result) command_name = command.command if self.ignore_case: command_name = command_name.casefold() if command_name == allowed_command: # String return command raise CommandException("Command did not match pattern") async def parse_command(self, text: str, bot: Bot) -> CommandObject: """ Extract command from the text and validate :param text: :param bot: :return: """ command = self.extract_command(text) self.validate_prefix(command=command) await self.validate_mention(bot=bot, command=command) command = self.validate_command(command) command = self.do_magic(command=command) return command # noqa: RET504 def do_magic(self, command: CommandObject) -> Any: if self.magic is None: return command result = self.magic.resolve(command) if not result: raise CommandException("Rejected via magic filter") return replace(command, magic_result=result)
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class CommandObject: """ Instance of this object is always has command and it prefix. Can be passed as keyword argument **command** to the handler """ prefix: str = "/" """Command prefix""" command: str = "" """Command without prefix and mention""" mention: Optional[str] = None """Mention (if available)""" args: Optional[str] = field(repr=False, default=None) """Command argument""" regexp_match: Optional[Match[str]] = field(repr=False, default=None) """Will be presented match result if the command is presented as regexp in filter""" magic_result: Optional[Any] = field(repr=False, default=None) @property def mentioned(self) -> bool: """ This command has mention? """ return bool(self.mention) @property def text(self) -> str: """ Generate original text from object """ line = self.prefix + self.command if self.mention: line += "@" + self.mention if self.args: line += " " + self.args return line
class CommandStart(Command): def __init__( self, deep_link: bool = False, deep_link_encoded: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False, ignore_mention: bool = False, magic: Optional[MagicFilter] = None, ): super().__init__( "start", prefix="/", ignore_case=ignore_case, ignore_mention=ignore_mention, magic=magic, ) self.deep_link = deep_link self.deep_link_encoded = deep_link_encoded def __str__(self) -> str: return self._signature_to_string( ignore_case=self.ignore_case, ignore_mention=self.ignore_mention, magic=self.magic, deep_link=self.deep_link, deep_link_encoded=self.deep_link_encoded, ) async def parse_command(self, text: str, bot: Bot) -> CommandObject: """ Extract command from the text and validate :param text: :param bot: :return: """ command = self.extract_command(text) self.validate_prefix(command=command) await self.validate_mention(bot=bot, command=command) command = self.validate_command(command) command = self.validate_deeplink(command=command) command = self.do_magic(command=command) return command # noqa: RET504 def validate_deeplink(self, command: CommandObject) -> CommandObject: if not self.deep_link: return command if not command.args: raise CommandException("Deep-link was missing") args = command.args if self.deep_link_encoded: try: args = decode_payload(args) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: raise CommandException(f"Failed to decode Base64: {e}") return replace(command, args=args) return command