Source code for aiogram.utils.markdown

from .text_decorations import html_decoration, markdown_decoration


    (LIST_MD_SYMBOLS[2] * 3 + "\n", "\n" + LIST_MD_SYMBOLS[2] * 3),
    ("||", "||"),
    ("<b>", "</b>"),
    ("<i>", "</i>"),
    ("<code>", "</code>"),
    ("<pre>", "</pre>"),
    ('<span class="tg-spoiler">', "</span>"),
    ("<tg-spoiler>", "</tg-spoiler>"),

HTML_QUOTES_MAP = {"<": "&lt;", ">": "&gt;", "&": "&amp;", '"': "&quot;"}


[docs]def quote_html(*content, sep=" ") -> str: """ Quote HTML symbols All <, >, & and " symbols that are not a part of a tag or an HTML entity must be replaced with the corresponding HTML entities (< with &lt; > with &gt; & with &amp and " with &quot). :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return html_decoration.quote(_join(*content, sep=sep))
[docs]def escape_md(*content, sep=" ") -> str: """ Escape markdown text E.g. for usernames :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return markdown_decoration.quote(_join(*content, sep=sep))
def _join(*content, sep=" "): return sep.join(map(str, content))
[docs]def text(*content, sep=" "): """ Join all elements with a separator :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return _join(*content, sep=sep)
[docs]def bold(*content, sep=" ") -> str: """ Make bold text (Markdown) :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return markdown_decoration.bold( value=markdown_decoration.quote(_join(*content, sep=sep)) )
[docs]def hbold(*content, sep=" ") -> str: """ Make bold text (HTML) :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return html_decoration.bold( value=html_decoration.quote(_join(*content, sep=sep)) )
[docs]def italic(*content, sep=" ") -> str: """ Make italic text (Markdown) :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return markdown_decoration.italic( value=markdown_decoration.quote(_join(*content, sep=sep)) )
[docs]def hitalic(*content, sep=" ") -> str: """ Make italic text (HTML) :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return html_decoration.italic( value=html_decoration.quote(_join(*content, sep=sep)) )
[docs]def spoiler(*content, sep=" ") -> str: """ Make spoiler text (Markdown) :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return markdown_decoration.spoiler( value=markdown_decoration.quote(_join(*content, sep=sep)) )
[docs]def hspoiler(*content, sep=" ") -> str: """ Make spoiler text (HTML) :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return html_decoration.spoiler( value=html_decoration.quote(_join(*content, sep=sep)) )
[docs]def code(*content, sep=" ") -> str: """ Make mono-width text (Markdown) :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return markdown_decoration.code( value=markdown_decoration.quote(_join(*content, sep=sep)) )
[docs]def hcode(*content, sep=" ") -> str: """ Make mono-width text (HTML) :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return html_decoration.code( value=html_decoration.quote(_join(*content, sep=sep)) )
[docs]def pre(*content, sep="\n") -> str: """ Make mono-width text block (Markdown) :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return markdown_decoration.pre( value=markdown_decoration.quote(_join(*content, sep=sep)) )
[docs]def hpre(*content, sep="\n") -> str: """ Make mono-width text block (HTML) :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return html_decoration.pre( value=html_decoration.quote(_join(*content, sep=sep)) )
[docs]def underline(*content, sep=" ") -> str: """ Make underlined text (Markdown) :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return markdown_decoration.underline( value=markdown_decoration.quote(_join(*content, sep=sep)) )
[docs]def hunderline(*content, sep=" ") -> str: """ Make underlined text (HTML) :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return html_decoration.underline( value=html_decoration.quote(_join(*content, sep=sep)) )
[docs]def strikethrough(*content, sep=" ") -> str: """ Make strikethrough text (Markdown) :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return markdown_decoration.strikethrough( value=markdown_decoration.quote(_join(*content, sep=sep)) )
[docs]def hstrikethrough(*content, sep=" ") -> str: """ Make strikethrough text (HTML) :param content: :param sep: :return: """ return html_decoration.strikethrough( value=html_decoration.quote(_join(*content, sep=sep)) )