Migration FAQ (1.4 -> 2.0)

This update make breaking changes in aiogram API and drop backward capability with previous versions of framework.

From this point aiogram supports only Python 3.7 and newer.


  • Used contextvars instead of aiogram.utils.context;

  • Implemented filters factory;

  • Implemented new filters mechanism;

  • Allowed to customize command prefix in CommandsFilter;

  • Implemented mechanism of passing results from filters (as dicts) as kwargs in handlers (like fixtures in pytest);

  • Implemented states group feature;

  • Implemented FSM storage’s proxy;

  • Changed files uploading mechanism;

  • Implemented pipe for uploading files from URL;

  • Implemented I18n Middleware;

  • Errors handlers now should accept only two arguments (current update and exception);

  • Used aiohttp_socks instead of aiosocksy for Socks4/5 proxy;

  • types.ContentType was divided to types.ContentType and types.ContentTypes;

  • Allowed to use rapidjson instead of ujson/json;

  • .current() method in bot and dispatcher objects was renamed to get_current();



Context utility (aiogram.utils.context) now is removed due to new features of Python 3.7 and all subclasses of aiogram.types.base.TelegramObject, aiogram.Bot and aiogram.Dispatcher has .get_current() and .set_current() methods for getting/setting contextual instances of objects.


async def my_handler(message: types.Message):
    bot = Bot.get_current()
    user = types.User.get_current()


Custom filters

Now func keyword argument can’t be used for passing filters to the list of filters instead of that you can pass the filters as arguments:

@dp.message_handler(lambda message: message.text == 'foo')
@dp.message_handler(types.ChatType.is_private, my_filter)
async def ...

(func filter is still available until v2.1)

Filters factory

Also you can bind your own filters for using as keyword arguments:

from aiogram.dispatcher.filters import BoundFilter

class MyFilter(BoundFilter):
    key = 'is_admin'

    def __init__(self, is_admin):
        self.is_admin = is_admin

    async def check(self, message: types.Message):
        member = await bot.get_chat_member(message.chat.id, message.from_user.id)
        return member.is_chat_admin()


async def ...

Customize commands prefix

Commands prefix can be changed by following one of two available methods:

@dp.message_handler(commands=['admin'], commands_prefix='!/')
@dp.message_handler(Command('admin', prefixes='!/'))
async def ...

Passing data from filters as keyword arguments to the handlers

You can pass any data from any filter to the handler by returning dict If any key from the received dictionary not in the handler specification the key will be skipped and and will be unavailable from the handler

Before (<=v1.4)

async def my_filter(message: types.Message):
    # do something here
    message.conf['foo'] = 'foo'
    message.conf['bar'] = 42
    return True

async def my_message_handler(message: types.Message):
    bar = message.conf["bar"]
    await message.reply(f'bar = {bar}')

Now (v2.0)

async def my_filter(message: types.Message):
    # do something here
    return {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 42}

async def my_message_handler(message: types.Message, bar: int):
    await message.reply(f'bar = {bar}')


Filters can also be used as logical expressions:

Text(equals='foo') | Text(endswith='Bar') | ~Text(contains='spam')

States group

You can use States objects and States groups instead of string names of the states. String values is still also be available.

Writing states group:

from aiogram.dispatcher.filters.state import State, StatesGroup

class UserForm(StatesGroup):
    name = State()  # Will be represented in storage as 'Form:name'
    age = State()  # Will be represented in storage as 'Form:age'
    gender = State()  # Will be represented in storage as 'Form:gender'

After that you can use states as UserForm.name and etc.

FSM storage’s proxy

Now Dispatcher.current_context() can’t be used as context-manager.

Implemented FSMContext.proxy() method which returns asynchronous FSMContextProxy context manager and can be used for more simply getting data from the storage.

FSMContextProxy load all user-related data on initialization and dump it to the storage when proxy is closing if any part of the data was changed.


async def cmd_start(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext):
    async with state.proxy() as proxy:  # proxy = FSMContextProxy(state); await proxy.load()
        proxy.setdefault('counter', 0)
        proxy['counter'] += 1
        return await message.reply(f"Counter: {proxy['counter']}")

This method is not recommended in high-load solutions in reason named “race-condition”.

File uploading mechanism

Fixed uploading files. Removed BaseBot.send_file method. This allowed to send the thumb field.

Pipe for uploading files from URL

Known issue when Telegram can not accept sending file as URL. In this case need to download file locally and then send.

In this case now you can send file from URL by using pipe. That means you download and send the file without saving it.

You can open the pipe and use for uploading by calling types.InputFile.from_file(<URL>)


URL = 'https://docs.aiogram.dev/en/dev-2.x/_static/logo.png'

@dp.message_handler(commands=['image, img'])
async def cmd_image(message: types.Message):
    await bot.send_photo(message.chat.id, types.InputFile.from_url(URL))

I18n Middleware

You can internalize your bot by following next steps:

(Code snippets in this example related with examples/i18n_example.py)

First usage

  1. Extract texts

    pybabel extract i18n_example.py -o locales/mybot.pot
  2. Create *.po files. For e.g. create en, ru, uk locales.

  3. Translate texts

  4. Compile translations

    pybabel compile -d locales -D mybot

Updating translations

When you change the code of your bot you need to update po & mo files:

  1. Regenerate pot file:

    pybabel extract i18n_example.py -o locales/mybot.pot
  2. Update po files

    pybabel update -d locales -D mybot -i locales/mybot.pot
  3. Update your translations

  4. Compile mo files

    pybabel compile -d locales -D mybot

Error handlers

Previously errors handlers had to have three arguments dispatcher, update and exception now dispatcher argument is removed and will no longer be passed to the error handlers.

Content types

Content types helper was divided to types.ContentType and types.ContentTypes.

In filters you can use types.ContentTypes but for comparing content types you must use types.ContentType class.