Source code for

import logging
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from http import HTTPStatus

import aiohttp

from .. import types
from ..utils import exceptions, json
from ..utils.helper import Helper, HelperMode, Item

# Main aiogram logger
log = logging.getLogger('aiogram')

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class TelegramAPIServer: """ Base config for API Endpoints """ base: str file: str
[docs] def api_url(self, token: str, method: str) -> str: """ Generate URL for API methods :param token: Bot token :param method: API method name (case insensitive) :return: URL """ return self.base.format(token=token, method=method)
[docs] def file_url(self, token: str, path: str) -> str: """ Generate URL for downloading files :param token: Bot token :param path: file path :return: URL """ return self.file.format(token=token, path=path)
@classmethod def from_base(cls, base: str) -> 'TelegramAPIServer': base = base.rstrip("/") return cls( base=f"{base}/bot{{token}}/{{method}}", file=f"{base}/file/bot{{token}}/{{path}}", )
TELEGRAM_PRODUCTION = TelegramAPIServer.from_base("")
[docs]def check_token(token: str) -> bool: """ Validate BOT token :param token: :return: """ if not isinstance(token, str): message = (f"Token is invalid! " f"It must be 'str' type instead of {type(token)} type.") raise exceptions.ValidationError(message) if any(x.isspace() for x in token): message = "Token is invalid! It can't contains spaces." raise exceptions.ValidationError(message) left, sep, right = token.partition(':') if (not sep) or (not left.isdigit()) or (not right): raise exceptions.ValidationError('Token is invalid!') return True
[docs]def check_result(method_name: str, content_type: str, status_code: int, body: str): """ Checks whether `result` is a valid API response. A result is considered invalid if: - The server returned an HTTP response code other than 200 - The content of the result is invalid JSON. - The method call was unsuccessful (The JSON 'ok' field equals False) :param method_name: The name of the method called :param status_code: status code :param content_type: content type of result :param body: result body :return: The result parsed to a JSON dictionary :raises ApiException: if one of the above listed cases is applicable """ log.debug('Response for %s: [%d] "%r"', method_name, status_code, body) if content_type != 'application/json': raise exceptions.NetworkError(f"Invalid response with content type {content_type}: \"{body}\"") try: result_json = json.loads(body) except ValueError: result_json = {} description = result_json.get('description') or body parameters = types.ResponseParameters(**result_json.get('parameters', {}) or {}) if HTTPStatus.OK <= status_code <= HTTPStatus.IM_USED: return result_json.get('result') elif parameters.retry_after: raise exceptions.RetryAfter(parameters.retry_after) elif parameters.migrate_to_chat_id: raise exceptions.MigrateToChat(parameters.migrate_to_chat_id) elif status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST: exceptions.BadRequest.detect(description) elif status_code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND: exceptions.NotFound.detect(description) elif status_code == HTTPStatus.CONFLICT: exceptions.ConflictError.detect(description) elif status_code in (HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN): exceptions.Unauthorized.detect(description) elif status_code == HTTPStatus.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE: raise exceptions.NetworkError('File too large for uploading. ' 'Check telegram api limits') elif status_code >= HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: if 'restart' in description: raise exceptions.RestartingTelegram() raise exceptions.TelegramAPIError(description) raise exceptions.TelegramAPIError(f"{description} [{status_code}]")
async def make_request(session, server, token, method, data=None, files=None, **kwargs): log.debug('Make request: "%s" with data: "%r" and files "%r"', method, data, files) url = server.api_url(token=token, method=method) req = compose_data(data, files) try: async with, data=req, **kwargs) as response: return check_result(method, response.content_type, response.status, await response.text()) except aiohttp.ClientError as e: raise exceptions.NetworkError(f"aiohttp client throws an error: {e.__class__.__name__}: {e}")
[docs]def guess_filename(obj): """ Get file name from object :param obj: :return: """ name = getattr(obj, 'name', None) if name and isinstance(name, str) and name[0] != '<' and name[-1] != '>': return os.path.basename(name)
[docs]def compose_data(params=None, files=None): """ Prepare request data :param params: :param files: :return: """ data = aiohttp.formdata.FormData(quote_fields=False) if params: for key, value in params.items(): data.add_field(key, str(value)) if files: for key, f in files.items(): if isinstance(f, tuple): if len(f) == 2: filename, fileobj = f else: raise ValueError('Tuple must have exactly 2 elements: filename, fileobj') elif isinstance(f, types.InputFile): filename, fileobj = f.filename, f.file else: filename, fileobj = guess_filename(f) or key, f data.add_field(key, fileobj, filename=filename) return data
[docs]class Methods(Helper): """ Helper for Telegram API Methods listed on """ mode = HelperMode.lowerCamelCase # Getting Updates GET_UPDATES = Item() # getUpdates SET_WEBHOOK = Item() # setWebhook DELETE_WEBHOOK = Item() # deleteWebhook GET_WEBHOOK_INFO = Item() # getWebhookInfo # Available methods GET_ME = Item() # getMe LOG_OUT = Item() # logOut CLOSE = Item() # close SEND_MESSAGE = Item() # sendMessage FORWARD_MESSAGE = Item() # forwardMessage COPY_MESSAGE = Item() # copyMessage SEND_PHOTO = Item() # sendPhoto SEND_AUDIO = Item() # sendAudio SEND_DOCUMENT = Item() # sendDocument SEND_VIDEO = Item() # sendVideo SEND_ANIMATION = Item() # sendAnimation SEND_VOICE = Item() # sendVoice SEND_VIDEO_NOTE = Item() # sendVideoNote SEND_MEDIA_GROUP = Item() # sendMediaGroup SEND_LOCATION = Item() # sendLocation EDIT_MESSAGE_LIVE_LOCATION = Item() # editMessageLiveLocation STOP_MESSAGE_LIVE_LOCATION = Item() # stopMessageLiveLocation SEND_VENUE = Item() # sendVenue SEND_CONTACT = Item() # sendContact SEND_POLL = Item() # sendPoll SEND_DICE = Item() # sendDice SEND_CHAT_ACTION = Item() # sendChatAction GET_USER_PROFILE_PHOTOS = Item() # getUserProfilePhotos GET_FILE = Item() # getFile KICK_CHAT_MEMBER = Item() # kickChatMember BAN_CHAT_MEMBER = Item() # banChatMember UNBAN_CHAT_MEMBER = Item() # unbanChatMember RESTRICT_CHAT_MEMBER = Item() # restrictChatMember PROMOTE_CHAT_MEMBER = Item() # promoteChatMember SET_CHAT_ADMINISTRATOR_CUSTOM_TITLE = Item() # setChatAdministratorCustomTitle BAN_CHAT_SENDER_CHAT = Item() # banChatSenderChat UNBAN_CHAT_SENDER_CHAT = Item() # unbanChatSenderChat SET_CHAT_PERMISSIONS = Item() # setChatPermissions EXPORT_CHAT_INVITE_LINK = Item() # exportChatInviteLink CREATE_CHAT_INVITE_LINK = Item() # createChatInviteLink EDIT_CHAT_INVITE_LINK = Item() # editChatInviteLink REVOKE_CHAT_INVITE_LINK = Item() # revokeChatInviteLink APPROVE_CHAT_JOIN_REQUEST = Item() # approveChatJoinRequest DECLINE_CHAT_JOIN_REQUEST = Item() # declineChatJoinRequest SET_CHAT_PHOTO = Item() # setChatPhoto DELETE_CHAT_PHOTO = Item() # deleteChatPhoto SET_CHAT_TITLE = Item() # setChatTitle SET_CHAT_DESCRIPTION = Item() # setChatDescription PIN_CHAT_MESSAGE = Item() # pinChatMessage UNPIN_CHAT_MESSAGE = Item() # unpinChatMessage UNPIN_ALL_CHAT_MESSAGES = Item() # unpinAllChatMessages LEAVE_CHAT = Item() # leaveChat GET_CHAT = Item() # getChat GET_CHAT_ADMINISTRATORS = Item() # getChatAdministrators GET_CHAT_MEMBER_COUNT = Item() # getChatMemberCount GET_CHAT_MEMBERS_COUNT = Item() # getChatMembersCount (renamed to getChatMemberCount) GET_CHAT_MEMBER = Item() # getChatMember SET_CHAT_STICKER_SET = Item() # setChatStickerSet DELETE_CHAT_STICKER_SET = Item() # deleteChatStickerSet GET_FORUM_TOPIC_ICON_STICKERS = Item() # getForumTopicIconStickers CREATE_FORUM_TOPIC = Item() # createForumTopic EDIT_FORUM_TOPIC = Item() # editForumTopic CLOSE_FORUM_TOPIC = Item() # closeForumTopic REOPEN_FORUM_TOPIC = Item() # reopenForumTopic DELETE_FORUM_TOPIC = Item() # deleteForumTopic UNPIN_ALL_FORUM_TOPIC_MESSAGES = Item() # unpinAllForumTopicMessages EDIT_GENERAL_FORUM_TOPIC = Item() # editGeneralForumTopic CLOSE_GENERAL_FORUM_TOPIC = Item() # closeGeneralForumTopic REOPEN_GENERAL_FORUM_TOPIC = Item() # reopenGeneralForumTopic HIDE_GENERAL_FORUM_TOPIC = Item() # hideGeneralForumTopic UNHIDE_GENERAL_FORUM_TOPIC = Item() # unhideGeneralForumTopic ANSWER_CALLBACK_QUERY = Item() # answerCallbackQuery SET_MY_COMMANDS = Item() # setMyCommands DELETE_MY_COMMANDS = Item() # deleteMyCommands GET_MY_COMMANDS = Item() # getMyCommands # Updating messages EDIT_MESSAGE_TEXT = Item() # editMessageText EDIT_MESSAGE_CAPTION = Item() # editMessageCaption EDIT_MESSAGE_MEDIA = Item() # editMessageMedia EDIT_MESSAGE_REPLY_MARKUP = Item() # editMessageReplyMarkup STOP_POLL = Item() # stopPoll DELETE_MESSAGE = Item() # deleteMessage # Stickers SEND_STICKER = Item() # sendSticker GET_STICKER_SET = Item() # getStickerSet UPLOAD_STICKER_FILE = Item() # uploadStickerFile GET_CUSTOM_EMOJI_STICKERS = Item() # getCustomEmojiStickers CREATE_NEW_STICKER_SET = Item() # createNewStickerSet ADD_STICKER_TO_SET = Item() # addStickerToSet SET_STICKER_POSITION_IN_SET = Item() # setStickerPositionInSet DELETE_STICKER_FROM_SET = Item() # deleteStickerFromSet SET_STICKER_SET_THUMB = Item() # setStickerSetThumb # Inline mode ANSWER_INLINE_QUERY = Item() # answerInlineQuery ANSWER_WEB_APP_QUERY = Item() # answerWebAppQuery SET_CHAT_MENU_BUTTON = Item() # setChatMenuButton GET_CHAT_MENU_BUTTON = Item() # getChatMenuButton SET_MY_DEFAULT_ADMINISTRATOR_RIGHTS = Item() # setMyDefaultAdministratorRights GET_MY_DEFAULT_ADMINISTRATOR_RIGHTS = Item() # getMyDefaultAdministratorRights # Payments SEND_INVOICE = Item() # sendInvoice CREATE_INVOICE_LINK = Item() # createInvoiceLink ANSWER_SHIPPING_QUERY = Item() # answerShippingQuery ANSWER_PRE_CHECKOUT_QUERY = Item() # answerPreCheckoutQuery # Telegram Passport SET_PASSPORT_DATA_ERRORS = Item() # setPassportDataErrors # Games SEND_GAME = Item() # sendGame SET_GAME_SCORE = Item() # setGameScore GET_GAME_HIGH_SCORES = Item() # getGameHighScores