Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import datetime
import typing

from . import base, fields
from .chat_invite_link import ChatInviteLink
from .chat_location import ChatLocation
from .chat_member import ChatMember, ChatMemberAdministrator, ChatMemberOwner
from .chat_permissions import ChatPermissions
from .chat_photo import ChatPhoto
from .input_file import InputFile
from ..utils import helper, markdown
from ..utils.deprecated import deprecated, DeprecatedReadOnlyClassVar, removed_argument

[docs]class Chat(base.TelegramObject): """ This object represents a chat. """ id: base.Integer = fields.Field() type: base.String = fields.Field() title: base.String = fields.Field() username: base.String = fields.Field() first_name: base.String = fields.Field() last_name: base.String = fields.Field() is_forum: base.Boolean = fields.Field() all_members_are_administrators: base.Boolean = fields.Field() photo: ChatPhoto = fields.Field(base=ChatPhoto) active_usernames: typing.List[base.String] = fields.Field() emoji_status_custom_emoji_id: base.String = fields.Field() bio: base.String = fields.Field() has_private_forwards: base.Boolean = fields.Field() has_restricted_voice_and_video_messages: base.Boolean = fields.Field() join_to_send_messages: base.Boolean = fields.Field() join_by_request: base.Boolean = fields.Field() description: base.String = fields.Field() invite_link: base.String = fields.Field() pinned_message: 'Message' = fields.Field(base='Message') permissions: ChatPermissions = fields.Field(base=ChatPermissions) slow_mode_delay: base.Integer = fields.Field() message_auto_delete_time: base.Integer = fields.Field() has_protected_content: base.Boolean = fields.Field() sticker_set_name: base.String = fields.Field() can_set_sticker_set: base.Boolean = fields.Field() linked_chat_id: base.Integer = fields.Field() location: ChatLocation = fields.Field() has_hidden_members: base.Boolean = fields.Field() has_aggressive_anti_spam_enabled: base.Boolean = fields.Field() def __hash__(self): return @property def full_name(self) -> base.String: if self.type == ChatType.PRIVATE: full_name = self.first_name if self.last_name: full_name += ' ' + self.last_name return full_name return self.title @property def mention(self) -> typing.Optional[base.String]: """ Get mention if a Chat has a username, or get full name if this is a Private Chat, otherwise None is returned """ if self.username: return '@' + self.username if self.type == ChatType.PRIVATE: return self.full_name return None @property def user_url(self) -> base.String: if self.type != ChatType.PRIVATE: raise TypeError('`user_url` property is only available in private chats!') return f"tg://user?id={}" @property def shifted_id(self) -> int: """ Get shifted id of chat, e.g. for private links For example: -1001122334455 -> 1122334455 """ if self.type == ChatType.PRIVATE: raise TypeError('`shifted_id` property is not available for private chats') shift = -1_000_000_000_000 return shift - def get_mention(self, name=None, as_html=True) -> base.String: if as_html is None and and == 'html': as_html = True if name is None: name = self.mention if as_html: return markdown.hlink(name, self.user_url) return, self.user_url)
[docs] async def get_url(self) -> base.String: """ Use this method to get chat link. Private chat returns user link. Other chat types return either username link (if they are public) or invite link (if they are private). :return: link :rtype: :obj:`base.String` """ if self.type == ChatType.PRIVATE: return f"tg://user?id={}" if self.username: return f'{self.username}' if self.invite_link: return self.invite_link await self.update_chat() return self.invite_link
[docs] async def update_chat(self): """ Use this method to update Chat data :return: None """ other = await for key, value in other: self[key] = value
[docs] async def set_photo(self, photo: InputFile) -> base.Boolean: """ Use this method to set a new profile photo for the chat. Photos can't be changed for private chats. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate admin rights. Note: In regular groups (non-supergroups), this method will only work if the ‘All Members Are Admins’ setting is off in the target group. Source: :param photo: New chat photo, uploaded using multipart/form-data :type photo: :obj:`base.InputFile` :return: Returns True on success. :rtype: :obj:`base.Boolean` """ return await, photo)
[docs] async def delete_photo(self) -> base.Boolean: """ Use this method to delete a chat photo. Photos can't be changed for private chats. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate admin rights. Note: In regular groups (non-supergroups), this method will only work if the ‘All Members Are Admins’ setting is off in the target group. Source: :return: Returns True on success. :rtype: :obj:`base.Boolean` """ return await
[docs] async def set_title(self, title: base.String) -> base.Boolean: """ Use this method to change the title of a chat. Titles can't be changed for private chats. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate admin rights. Note: In regular groups (non-supergroups), this method will only work if the ‘All Members Are Admins’ setting is off in the target group. Source: :param title: New chat title, 1-255 characters :type title: :obj:`base.String` :return: Returns True on success. :rtype: :obj:`base.Boolean` """ return await, title)
[docs] async def set_description(self, description: base.String) -> base.Boolean: """ Use this method to change the description of a supergroup or a channel. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate admin rights. Source: :param description: New chat description, 0-255 characters :type description: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.String]` :return: Returns True on success. :rtype: :obj:`base.Boolean` """ return await, description)
[docs] async def kick(self, user_id: base.Integer, until_date: typing.Union[base.Integer, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta, None] = None, revoke_messages: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, ) -> base.Boolean: """ Use this method to kick a user from a group, a supergroup or a channel. In the case of supergroups and channels, the user will not be able to return to the chat on their own using invite links, etc., unless unbanned first. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate admin rights. Source: :param user_id: Unique identifier of the target user :type user_id: :obj:`base.Integer` :param until_date: Date when the user will be unbanned. If user is banned for more than 366 days or less than 30 seconds from the current time they are considered to be banned forever. Applied for supergroups and channels only. :type until_date: :obj:`typing.Union[base.Integer, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta, None]` :param revoke_messages: Pass True to delete all messages from the chat for the user that is being removed. If False, the user will be able to see messages in the group that were sent before the user was removed. Always True for supergroups and channels. :type revoke_messages: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Boolean]` :return: Returns True on success :rtype: :obj:`base.Boolean` """ return await, user_id=user_id, until_date=until_date, revoke_messages=revoke_messages, )
[docs] async def unban(self, user_id: base.Integer, only_if_banned: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, ) -> base.Boolean: """ Use this method to unban a previously kicked user in a supergroup or channel. The user will not return to the group or channel automatically, but will be able to join via link, etc. The bot must be an administrator for this to work. By default, this method guarantees that after the call the user is not a member of the chat, but will be able to join it. So if the user is a member of the chat they will also be removed from the chat. If you don't want this, use the parameter only_if_banned. Returns True on success. Source: :param user_id: Unique identifier of the target user :type user_id: :obj:`base.Integer` :param only_if_banned: Do nothing if the user is not banned :type only_if_banned: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Boolean]` :return: Returns True on success. :rtype: :obj:`base.Boolean` """ return await, user_id=user_id, only_if_banned=only_if_banned, )
[docs] async def restrict(self, user_id: base.Integer, permissions: typing.Optional[ChatPermissions] = None, until_date: typing.Union[base.Integer, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta, None] = None, can_send_messages: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, can_send_media_messages: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, can_send_other_messages: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, can_add_web_page_previews: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None) -> base.Boolean: """ Use this method to restrict a user in a supergroup. The bot must be an administrator in the supergroup for this to work and must have the appropriate admin rights. Pass True for all boolean parameters to lift restrictions from a user. Source: :param user_id: Unique identifier of the target user :type user_id: :obj:`base.Integer` :param permissions: New user permissions :type permissions: :obj:`ChatPermissions` :param until_date: Date when restrictions will be lifted for the user, unix time. :type until_date: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Integer]` :param can_send_messages: Pass True, if the user can send text messages, contacts, locations and venues :type can_send_messages: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Boolean]` :param can_send_media_messages: Pass True, if the user can send audios, documents, photos, videos, video notes and voice notes, implies can_send_messages :type can_send_media_messages: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Boolean]` :param can_send_other_messages: Pass True, if the user can send animations, games, stickers and use inline bots, implies can_send_media_messages :type can_send_other_messages: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Boolean]` :param can_add_web_page_previews: Pass True, if the user may add web page previews to their messages, implies can_send_media_messages :type can_add_web_page_previews: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Boolean]` :return: Returns True on success. :rtype: :obj:`base.Boolean` """ return await, user_id=user_id, permissions=permissions, until_date=until_date, can_send_messages=can_send_messages, can_send_media_messages=can_send_media_messages, can_send_other_messages=can_send_other_messages, can_add_web_page_previews=can_add_web_page_previews)
[docs] async def promote(self, user_id: base.Integer, is_anonymous: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, can_manage_chat: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, can_change_info: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, can_post_messages: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, can_edit_messages: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, can_delete_messages: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, can_manage_voice_chats: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, can_invite_users: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, can_restrict_members: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, can_pin_messages: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, can_promote_members: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, can_manage_video_chats: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None, can_manage_topics: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = None,) -> base.Boolean: """ Use this method to promote or demote a user in a supergroup or a channel. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate admin rights. Pass False for all boolean parameters to demote a user. Source: :param user_id: Unique identifier of the target user :type user_id: :obj:`base.Integer` :param is_anonymous: Pass True, if the administrator's presence in the chat is hidden :type is_anonymous: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Boolean]` :param can_change_info: Pass True, if the administrator can change chat title, photo and other settings :type can_change_info: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Boolean]` :param can_post_messages: Pass True, if the administrator can create channel posts, channels only :type can_post_messages: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Boolean]` :param can_edit_messages: Pass True, if the administrator can edit messages of other users, channels only :type can_edit_messages: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Boolean]` :param can_delete_messages: Pass True, if the administrator can delete messages of other users :type can_delete_messages: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Boolean]` :param can_invite_users: Pass True, if the administrator can invite new users to the chat :type can_invite_users: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Boolean]` :param can_restrict_members: Pass True, if the administrator can restrict, ban or unban chat members :type can_restrict_members: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Boolean]` :param can_pin_messages: Pass True, if the administrator can pin messages, supergroups only :type can_pin_messages: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Boolean]` :param can_promote_members: Pass True, if the administrator can add new administrators with a subset of his own privileges or demote administrators that he has promoted, directly or indirectly (promoted by administrators that were appointed by him) :type can_promote_members: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Boolean]` :return: Returns True on success. :rtype: :obj:`base.Boolean` """ return await, user_id=user_id, is_anonymous=is_anonymous, can_change_info=can_change_info, can_post_messages=can_post_messages, can_edit_messages=can_edit_messages, can_delete_messages=can_delete_messages, can_invite_users=can_invite_users, can_restrict_members=can_restrict_members, can_pin_messages=can_pin_messages, can_promote_members=can_promote_members, can_manage_chat=can_manage_chat, can_manage_voice_chats=can_manage_voice_chats, can_manage_video_chats=can_manage_video_chats, can_manage_topics=can_manage_topics )
[docs] async def set_permissions(self, permissions: ChatPermissions) -> base.Boolean: """ Use this method to set default chat permissions for all members. The bot must be an administrator in the group or a supergroup for this to work and must have the can_restrict_members admin rights. Returns True on success. :param permissions: New default chat permissions :return: True on success. """ return await, permissions=permissions)
[docs] async def set_administrator_custom_title(self, user_id: base.Integer, custom_title: base.String) -> base.Boolean: """ Use this method to set a custom title for an administrator in a supergroup promoted by the bot. Returns True on success. Source: :param user_id: Unique identifier of the target user :param custom_title: New custom title for the administrator; 0-16 characters, emoji are not allowed :return: True on success. """ return await, user_id=user_id, custom_title=custom_title)
[docs] async def pin_message(self, message_id: base.Integer, disable_notification: typing.Optional[base.Boolean] = False, ) -> base.Boolean: """ Use this method to add a message to the list of pinned messages in a chat. If the chat is not a private chat, the bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the 'can_pin_messages' admin right in a supergroup or 'can_edit_messages' admin right in a channel. Returns True on success. Source: :param message_id: Identifier of a message to pin :type message_id: :obj:`base.Integer` :param disable_notification: Pass True, if it is not necessary to send a notification to all group members about the new pinned message :type disable_notification: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Boolean]` :return: Returns True on success :rtype: :obj:`base.Boolean` """ return await, message_id, disable_notification)
[docs] async def unpin_message(self, message_id: typing.Optional[base.Integer] = None, ) -> base.Boolean: """ Use this method to remove a message from the list of pinned messages in a chat. If the chat is not a private chat, the bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the 'can_pin_messages' admin right in a supergroup or 'can_edit_messages' admin right in a channel. Returns True on success. Source: :param message_id: Identifier of a message to unpin. If not specified, the most recent pinned message (by sending date) will be unpinned. :type message_id: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Integer]` :return: Returns True on success :rtype: :obj:`base.Boolean` """ return await, message_id=message_id, )
[docs] async def unpin_all_messages(self): """ Use this method to clear the list of pinned messages in a chat. If the chat is not a private chat, the bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the 'can_pin_messages' admin right in a supergroup or 'can_edit_messages' admin right in a channel. Returns True on success. Source: :return: Returns True on success :rtype: :obj:`base.Boolean` """ return await, )
[docs] async def leave(self) -> base.Boolean: """ Use this method for your bot to leave a group, supergroup or channel. Source: :return: Returns True on success. :rtype: :obj:`base.Boolean` """ return await
[docs] async def get_administrators(self) -> typing.List[typing.Union[ChatMemberOwner, ChatMemberAdministrator]]: """ Use this method to get a list of administrators in a chat. Source: :return: On success, returns an Array of ChatMember objects that contains information about all chat administrators except other bots. If the chat is a group or a supergroup and no administrators were appointed, only the creator will be returned. :rtype: :obj:`typing.List[typing.Union[types.ChatMemberOwner, types.ChatMemberAdministrator]]` """ return await
[docs] async def get_member_count(self) -> base.Integer: """ Use this method to get the number of members in a chat. Source: :return: Returns Int on success. :rtype: :obj:`base.Integer` """ return await
[docs] async def get_members_count(self) -> base.Integer: """Renamed to get_member_count.""" return await self.get_member_count()
[docs] async def get_member(self, user_id: base.Integer) -> ChatMember: """ Use this method to get information about a member of a chat. Source: :param user_id: Unique identifier of the target user :type user_id: :obj:`base.Integer` :return: Returns a ChatMember object on success. :rtype: :obj:`types.ChatMember` """ return await, user_id)
[docs] async def set_sticker_set(self, sticker_set_name: base.String) -> base.Boolean: """ Use this method to set a new group sticker set for a supergroup. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate admin rights. Use the field can_set_sticker_set optionally returned in getChat requests to check if the bot can use this method. Source: :param sticker_set_name: Name of the sticker set to be set as the group sticker set :type sticker_set_name: :obj:`base.String` :return: Returns True on success :rtype: :obj:`base.Boolean` """ return await, sticker_set_name=sticker_set_name)
[docs] async def delete_sticker_set(self) -> base.Boolean: """ Use this method to delete a group sticker set from a supergroup. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate admin rights. Use the field can_set_sticker_set optionally returned in getChat requests to check if the bot can use this method. Source: :return: Returns True on success :rtype: :obj:`base.Boolean` """ return await
[docs] async def do(self, action: base.String, message_thread_id: typing.Optional[base.Integer] = None) -> base.Boolean: """ Use this method when you need to tell the user that something is happening on the bot's side. The status is set for 5 seconds or less (when a message arrives from your bot, Telegram clients clear its typing status). We only recommend using this method when a response from the bot will take a noticeable amount of time to arrive. Source: :param action: Type of action to broadcast. :type action: :obj:`base.String` :param message_thread_id: Unique identifier for the target message thread; supergroups only :type message_thread_id: :obj:`typing.Optional[base.Integer]` :return: Returns True on success. :rtype: :obj:`base.Boolean` """ return await, action)
[docs] async def delete_message(self, message_id: base.Integer, ) -> base.Boolean: """ Shortcut for deleteMessage method. """ return await, message_id=message_id, )
[docs] @removed_argument("until_date", "2.19") async def ban_sender_chat( self, sender_chat_id: base.Integer, ): """Shortcut for banChatSenderChat method.""" return await, sender_chat_id=sender_chat_id, )
[docs] async def unban_sender_chat( self, sender_chat_id: base.Integer, ): """Shortcut for unbanChatSenderChat method.""" return await, sender_chat_id=sender_chat_id, )
def __int__(self): return
[docs]class ChatType(helper.Helper): """ List of chat types :key: SENDER :key: PRIVATE :key: GROUP :key: SUPER_GROUP :key: SUPERGROUP :key: CHANNEL """ mode = helper.HelperMode.lowercase SENDER = helper.Item() # sender PRIVATE = helper.Item() # private GROUP = helper.Item() # group SUPERGROUP = helper.Item() # supergroup CHANNEL = helper.Item() # channel SUPER_GROUP: DeprecatedReadOnlyClassVar[ChatType, helper.Item] \ = DeprecatedReadOnlyClassVar( "SUPER_GROUP chat type is deprecated, use SUPERGROUP instead.", new_value_getter=lambda cls: cls.SUPERGROUP) @staticmethod def _check(obj, chat_types) -> bool: if hasattr(obj, 'chat'): obj = if not hasattr(obj, 'type'): return False return obj.type in chat_types
[docs] @classmethod @deprecated("This filter was moved to ChatTypeFilter, and will be removed in aiogram v3.0") def is_private(cls, obj) -> bool: """ Check chat is private :param obj: :return: """ return cls._check(obj, [cls.PRIVATE])
[docs] @classmethod @deprecated("This filter was moved to ChatTypeFilter, and will be removed in aiogram v3.0") def is_group(cls, obj) -> bool: """ Check chat is group :param obj: :return: """ return cls._check(obj, [cls.GROUP])
[docs] @classmethod @deprecated("This filter was moved to ChatTypeFilter, and will be removed in aiogram v3.0") def is_super_group(cls, obj) -> bool: """ Check chat is super-group :param obj: :return: """ return cls._check(obj, [cls.SUPER_GROUP, cls.SUPERGROUP])
[docs] @classmethod @deprecated("This filter was moved to ChatTypeFilter, and will be removed in aiogram v3.0") def is_group_or_super_group(cls, obj) -> bool: """ Check chat is group or super-group :param obj: :return: """ return cls._check(obj, [cls.GROUP, cls.SUPER_GROUP, cls.SUPERGROUP])
[docs] @classmethod @deprecated("This filter was moved to ChatTypeFilter, and will be removed in aiogram v3.0") def is_channel(cls, obj) -> bool: """ Check chat is channel :param obj: :return: """ return cls._check(obj, [cls.CHANNEL])
[docs]class ChatActions(helper.Helper): """ List of chat actions :key: TYPING :key: UPLOAD_PHOTO :key: RECORD_VIDEO :key: UPLOAD_VIDEO :key: RECORD_AUDIO :key: UPLOAD_AUDIO :key: UPLOAD_DOCUMENT :key: FIND_LOCATION :key: RECORD_VIDEO_NOTE :key: UPLOAD_VIDEO_NOTE """ mode = helper.HelperMode.snake_case TYPING: str = helper.Item() # typing UPLOAD_PHOTO: str = helper.Item() # upload_photo RECORD_VIDEO: str = helper.Item() # record_video UPLOAD_VIDEO: str = helper.Item() # upload_video RECORD_AUDIO: str = helper.Item() # record_audio UPLOAD_AUDIO: str = helper.Item() # upload_audio RECORD_VOICE: str = helper.Item() # record_voice UPLOAD_VOICE: str = helper.Item() # upload_voice UPLOAD_DOCUMENT: str = helper.Item() # upload_document FIND_LOCATION: str = helper.Item() # find_location RECORD_VIDEO_NOTE: str = helper.Item() # record_video_note UPLOAD_VIDEO_NOTE: str = helper.Item() # upload_video_note CHOOSE_STICKER: str = helper.Item() # choose_sticker @classmethod async def _do(cls, action: str, sleep=None): from aiogram import Bot await Bot.get_current().send_chat_action(Chat.get_current().id, action) if sleep: await asyncio.sleep(sleep)
[docs] @classmethod def calc_timeout(cls, text, timeout=.8): """ Calculate timeout for text :param text: :param timeout: :return: """ return min((len(str(text)) * timeout, 5.0))
[docs] @classmethod async def typing(cls, sleep=None): """ Do typing :param sleep: sleep timeout :return: """ if isinstance(sleep, str): sleep = cls.calc_timeout(sleep) await cls._do(cls.TYPING, sleep)
[docs] @classmethod async def upload_photo(cls, sleep=None): """ Do upload_photo :param sleep: sleep timeout :return: """ await cls._do(cls.UPLOAD_PHOTO, sleep)
[docs] @classmethod async def record_video(cls, sleep=None): """ Do record video :param sleep: sleep timeout :return: """ await cls._do(cls.RECORD_VIDEO, sleep)
[docs] @classmethod async def upload_video(cls, sleep=None): """ Do upload video :param sleep: sleep timeout :return: """ await cls._do(cls.UPLOAD_VIDEO, sleep)
[docs] @classmethod async def record_audio(cls, sleep=None): """ Do record audio :param sleep: sleep timeout :return: """ await cls._do(cls.RECORD_AUDIO, sleep)
[docs] @classmethod async def upload_audio(cls, sleep=None): """ Do upload audio :param sleep: sleep timeout :return: """ await cls._do(cls.UPLOAD_AUDIO, sleep)
[docs] @classmethod async def record_voice(cls, sleep=None): """ Do record voice :param sleep: sleep timeout :return: """ await cls._do(cls.RECORD_VOICE, sleep)
[docs] @classmethod async def upload_voice(cls, sleep=None): """ Do upload voice :param sleep: sleep timeout :return: """ await cls._do(cls.UPLOAD_VOICE, sleep)
[docs] @classmethod async def upload_document(cls, sleep=None): """ Do upload document :param sleep: sleep timeout :return: """ await cls._do(cls.UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, sleep)
[docs] @classmethod async def find_location(cls, sleep=None): """ Do find location :param sleep: sleep timeout :return: """ await cls._do(cls.FIND_LOCATION, sleep)
[docs] @classmethod async def record_video_note(cls, sleep=None): """ Do record video note :param sleep: sleep timeout :return: """ await cls._do(cls.RECORD_VIDEO_NOTE, sleep)
[docs] @classmethod async def upload_video_note(cls, sleep=None): """ Do upload video note :param sleep: sleep timeout :return: """ await cls._do(cls.UPLOAD_VIDEO_NOTE, sleep)
[docs] @classmethod async def choose_sticker(cls, sleep=None): """ Do choose sticker :param sleep: sleep timeout :return: """ await cls._do(cls.CHOOSE_STICKER, sleep)